Audio Technica AT-33Sa
Dual Moving Coil pick-up med Shibata nåleslibning
Audio Technica AT-33Sa er forsynet med en af de berømte Shibata nåleslibninger, der forener masser af detaljer og meget musikalsk gengivelsee. Her er nålen endda monteret på en nålearm af boron, der altid, sammen med Shibata-nålen giver en ren detaleret bas-gengivelse med et godt punch!
Læs den glimrende anmeldelse i Stereotimes, hvor der sammenlignes med OC9...
Læs norsk anmeldelse med sammenligning med PTG/II
The AT33Sa is the first Audio-Technica MC cartridge model to feature a Shibata stylus. In addition to its superior high-range performance as a line-contact stylus, the Shibata stylus produces mid and bass sound that is strong and rich. The Shibata stylus is mounted on a boron cantilever with a double damper to greatly improve sound quality.Advanced tapered boron cantilever and reduced weightThe AT33Sa uses a tapered boron cantilever. Tapering the cantilever and revising the number of coil rotations reduce the weight, giving the cartridge better high range performance and wide range reproduction. Neodymium magnet with dramatically enhanced magnetic energy and permendur yokeThe model uses a neodymium magnet with maximum energy product BHmax of 50 [kJ/m3] and a permendur yoke with high saturation flux density and outstanding magnetic properties, which further enhances the concentrated magnetic field of the coil gap. Neodymium magnet for dramatically increased magnetic energyThe neodymium magnet provides maximum energy (BHmax of 50[kJ/m3]), while the pure iron yoke provides excellent magnetic properties.
Frekvensområde: 15-50.000 Hz
Princip: Moving Coil
Kanalseparation v. 1 kHz (30 dB)
Udgangsspænding: 0,4 mV
Nåleslibning: Shibata
Vægt: 6,9 g
Nåletryk: 1,8-2,2 g