Audio Technica AT6013a pladebørste

230,00 DKK

Dobbelt plade-børste fra Audio Technica - dobbelt så god!

Pladebørste bygget med to rækker fine kulfiberbørster, der samler støvet fra pladerillen - og en central pude, der samler støvet op og fastholder det.

Audio Technica AT6013a

  • Two carbon-fiber brushes and central velvet pad work together to collect dust and other contaminates in a single pass
  • Anti-static brush fibers remain straight for deep groove cleaning
  • Prolongs the life of records and styli
  • Includes protective metal guard bracket

The AT6013a record cleaner provides dual-action cleaning power that prolongs the life of your records and styli, and improves your listening experience. The cleaner is comprised of two carbon-fiber brushes, situated on either side of a central velvet pad, and all work together to collect dust and other contaminates in a single pass over a record. The anti-static brush fibers remain straight for deep cleaning of the record groove. Includes a metal guard bracket to protect the brushes and pad when not in use.