Dynavector DV Karat 17D3
Dynavector DV Karat 17D3
The new 17D3 Karat Diamond is the first cartridge built using 'dispersion' theory. Its Micro-Ridge stylus and very short (1.7mm) solid diamond cantilever give a huge reduction in 'frequency dispersion', unmatched dynamics and a high frequency extension all the way up to 100kHz. The latest patented magnet circuit design increases the output to 0.3mV with crystal clear mid-range and treble even during the largest symphonic crescendos.
Features and improvements
The main change to the new Dynavector 17D3 is an improvement in the design of the front yoke. This appears, on the surface, to be a small difference yet contributes to a greatly improved overall performance justifying a model number change.
The new yoke improves focus in the magnetic circuit and in combination with the flux damping mechanism and softened magnetism (patent) gives accurate sonic qualities leading to a very natural sound. The change has also enabled a useful increase in output to 0.3mV.
The Dynavector Karat is notable for its gemstone cantilever. This 1.7mm long by 0.25mm diameter solid diamond cantilever has its 0.07 square mm stylus mounting hole precision cut by laser. The Micro Ridge Stylus of 0.07 square mm nude diamond is securely and accurately bonded to the cantilever.
The armature of 0.9mm square and 0.4mm thick is much smaller than normal, upon which are wound 60 turns per channel of 12 micron fine wire.
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