Lumin M1 Network Amp

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Lumin M1 Network Amp
Fra 14.995,00 DKK
612 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 18.744 kr. over 36 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 612 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 3.285 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 22.029 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 11,36%. Der er fortrydelsesret.

Lumin M1 streamer og forstærker med indbygget klasse D forstærker på 60 Watt ved 8 Ohm og 100 Watt ved 4 Ohm. Analog indgang mulig via medfølgende adapter. Der er kablet Gigibit netværkstilslutning og mulighed for at tilkoble USB enheder, såsom USB-nøgler og harddiske.

Forstærkeren kan afspille alle de populære højopløselige formater som MQA, DSD128, PCM 44.1-384kHz, 16-32bit, FLAC, ALAC, WAV og AIFF.

Understøtter også MP3 og AAC (M4A)
Lumin M1 understøtter TIDAL, Qobuz, Spotify, TuneIn Radio og AirPlay.
App-styring via IOS eller Android.
Firmware-opgraderbar for fremtidige forbedringer.

Soundstage! skriver om Lumin M1:
Lumin’s M1 is a great choice for audiophiles focused on computer playback who want to keep their systems simple. With nothing but a network connection and USB ports, all you have to worry about is adding speakers. Lumin’s control app is effective and easy to use, and Roon readiness and integrated Tidal streaming (with MQA) sweeten the deal. That said, the M1’s crisp overall sound means that you’ll need to pay close attention to speaker matching. But if simplicity is your endgame, few components out there embody that idea better than the Lumin M1.

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Mål: 361mm x 58mm x 323mm (BxHxD)

Læs mere på Lumins hjemmeside: Her

Streaming Protocol:
UPnP AV protocol with audio streaming extension (OpenHome)
Roon Ready
Spotify Connect
Apple AirPlay
Gapless Playback
On-Device Playlist

App features:
Native support for TIDAL, MQA, Qobuz and TuneIn Radio.
Tidal MQA icons to identify high-res music
Qobuz high-res icons to identify high-res music
Volume control
High-resolution artwork
Artwork caching
Multiple tag handling
Composer tag support
Album-grouping in playlist
Automatic internet links to artists/album/songs
Saving and restoring of playlists (including Tidal and Qobuz)

Supported Audio File Formats:
DSD Lossless: DSF (DSD), DIFF (DSD), DoP (DSD)
PCM Lossless: FLAC, Apple Lossless (ALAC), WAV, AIFF
Compressed (lossy) Audio: MP3, AAC (in M4A container)

Ethernet RJ45 network 1000Base-T Gigabit
USB storage, flash drive, USB hard disk (FAT32, exFAT, NTFS and EXT2/3)

Supported Control Devices:
All models of Apple iPad (v2 or later). iOS 8.0 or later required. Full Retina Display support.
Android devices. Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or later required

Programme of Continuous Development – Firmware-upgradable for further features and enhancements