Musical Fidelity M2Si Stream

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Fra 8.495,00 DKK
373 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 10.619 kr. over 36 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 373 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 2.798 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 13.417 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 17,08%. Der er fortrydelsesret.

The M2si integrated amplifier takes our peerless premium-amp experience and applies it to a more affordable price point. It boasts trickle-down technology from our mighty and legendary Titan flagship, plus other high-end touches such as solid metal controls. The M2si delivers 76 watts per channel into 8 ohms and 137 watts into 4 ohms. This means the M2si will drive a wide range of speakers, even power-hungry models.

Further flexibility is provided by the M2si's excellent connectivity, which includes six line-level inputs and switchable home-theatre throughput. It features a Class A preamp stage with its own, independant power supply, coupled with a discrete pair of power amps. In effect, this means the M2si offers the performance benefits of a pre/power configuration with the compact convenience of a one-box design.

Its performance is rock-solid, it's sonically well-rounded and it's comfortable with a wide array of speakers. And it's all served up in an elegant, no-nonsense package.


M2Si inkluderer en gratis WiiM Pro.

Den separate boks og separate strømforsyning sikrer, at vi reducerer RF- og HF-stråling, og vi kan holde vores analoge forstærkerteknologi så god, som den er. LINKPLAY tilbyder state-of-the-art teknologi, kompatibel med enhver moderne streamingtjeneste på markedet, alt sammen kan navigeres gennem en INTUITIV og brugervenlig APP. Desuden sikrer deres konsekvente vedligeholdelse og softwareopdateringer en optimal brugeroplevelse.



Tekniske specifikationer:


Power 72 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms (18dBW)

Voltage 22 Volts RMS, 20Hz to 20 kHz; onset of clipping

62 Volts peak to peak

Current 25 Amps peak to peak

Damping factor 36

Output devices 1 pair per channel

Line input:

THD+N < 0.014 % typical, 20Hz to 20 kHz

Signal / noise ratio > 96dB ‘A’-weighted

Input impedance 40 k Ohms

Frequency response +0, –0.1dB, 10Hz to 20 kHz


Line level inputs 6 pairs line level RCA connectors

Line level outputs 1 pair line level RCA connectors, constant level TAPE outputs

1 pair line level RCA connectors, preamp outputs for e.g. bi-amping

Speaker outputs 2 pairs 4mm banana plug/binding posts

Power requirement:

Mains voltages 115/230VAC 50/60Hz (factory pre-set)

100VAC 50/60Hz (alternative)

Consumption 320 Watts maximum


Unit only, unboxed 9.2 kg

In shipping carton 13 kg


Wide 440 mm

High, including feet 100 mm

Deep (front to back) including terminals 400 mm