Winyl One Touch Polymer nålerens

Winyl One Touch Stylus Cleaner
225,00 DKK

Winyl One Touch Polymer Stylus Cleaner - effektiv pick-up rens, der giver bedre lyd!

One-Touch Polymer - Stylus Tip Dry Cleaning System

Juan Jiménez' smarte og effektive nåle-rens, som både rengør pick-up'ens nålespids og gør lyden bedre. Og det er virkelig let; for man åbner låget på den lille æske - sætter den under pick-up'en - sænker armen ned, så pick-up'en støtter på rense-puden af det-her-smarte polymer - løfter den op - og pick-up'en er renset!

Andre producenter leverer noget lignende - men lige som de øvrige produkter fra Winyl Cleaner, er One-Touch Polymer meget rimeligt i pris!

HI-FI CHOICE har testet One-Touch Polymer - og skriver blandt andet:

At the very competitive asking price, the Winyl has to be seen as a considerable bargain. Læs mere her


Se også et par korte video'er, om hvordan du bruger nålerensen her

1- How to use One-Touch Polymer on the turntable platter

2- How to use One-Touch Polymer on the turntable base


Winyl One-Touch contains an innovative solid Urethane (PU) polymer, specially designed to provide exceptional cleaning for record player stylus needles to ensure top quality sound.

The polymer is soft and highly elastic, with strong adhesive properties to remove dust and microscopic dirt, reducing surface noise and distortion on the playback. In addition, its cleaning system allows to clean the corner-gap between cantilever and stylus.

The polymer has been developed to ensure that it leaves no residue on the stylus, due to its dry-cleaning system, liquid-free.

One-Touch is safe and easy-to-use. Place the headshell above the polymer, lower the cartridge slowly until the stylus needle is inserted into the polymer, lift it up. The dirt will adhere to the polymer surface, leaving the needle clean.

One-Touch Polymer is washable and reusable. If the surface of the polymer becomes heavy soiled after repeated uses, simply rinse it with tap water and rub gently the surface with a finger to loosen dirt. Drain and let dry. The polymer will recover its cleaning properties to use it again. By keeping One-Touch in good condition, you will be able to use it for years with the same effectiveness as the first day.